Having contracted in the past (admittedly in another sector) the need for a buffer fund is wise advice!

Curious to know if PR/Marketing is also a potential side hustle or is that a completely different market?

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Wish 23 year old me had read this. Brilliant piece! Would love to know your take on connecting eith editors/getting into people's inboxes with cold pitches? Feel like there's a large divide in opinion on how best to do it

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Thank you, I'm so glad you found it useful! I think the best way to connect with editors is making it really easy for them - so send a brief and polite email explaining who you are and what your work history is, with some links to relevant work. It's often helpful if you get in touch with a pitch, but I think (especially if you're a bit more experienced) it's also fine to say you'd like to work together, explaining why you'd be a good fit for the publication, and ask whether they're commissioning at the moment, or if there are opportunities to pitch, etc. Keeping it simple, polite and straight to the point is the main thing, however you choose to do it.

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